Word Hunt Solver

A Solver for the iMessage game Word Hunt
I was losing pretty badly at the IMessage game Word Hunt against my friends, and I'm a sore loser, so I wanted to make a program that made sure I would never lose again.
The program uses Python to perform a Depth First Search using a Trie to find the list of efficient words that can be made using a string.
This would be a fun little project by itself, but I tried to go the extra step and build a whole web app around it! This meant turning it into a backend RESTful API using the Flask framework, and then building a frontend for it using React.
I also spent a wholly unnecessary amount of time trying to set up a CI/CD pipeline through github actions and Docker, and it made me realize that DevOps can be a very very frustrating process.
I proceeded to Dockerize the backend API and deploy it to Google Cloud Platform, and the frontend was deployed to AWS using AWS Amplify.
Now, you can go to whsolver.ajayganesh.com and try it out for yourself! Make sure to beat your friends at Word Hunt for me :)